Theory Of XiuXian (修仙)

Introduction (导论)

There is a practice of Daoism called, “Xiuxian”, meaning training your body and soul and becoming immortal.

Theoretically, a being has two parts, body and soul. While, body part includes those components that we live on, such as muscles, bones, brain, and internal organs, the soul part is about the mind, the feeling and imagination existing inside our brain.

By training the body part, Daosim means collecting and absorbing a special type of energy, called “LingQi”, and depositing it inside the so-called Farmland of Dan, which is located inside our stomach. In Daosim, the word “Dan” means energy in certain form, or powerful medecine. Regular human being does not have ways to absorb any type of powerful energy, other than those from food and drink. Hence, there is no Farmland of Dan. Only those who have certain type of abilities can collect and absorb LingQi. Little by little, those gas form of LingQi can be deposited inside your stomach and establish the Farmland of Dan.

The word “LingQi” refers to the essence of those basic components that build our world. They are metal, wood, water, fire, soil, ice, darkness, wind, and thunder. Normally, what we see around us do not contain much essence. Only certain special stones with condensed essence of any types can provide meaningful energy for human being to absorb. So, there are stones with metal essence, stones with wood essence, stones with water essence, etc.

If you can absorb LingQi and deposit it inside your stomach, then congratulation! You are one of the so-called “Qi Practitioner”, which usually means you have super power. For instance, you can use the energy deposited inside your farmland of Dan to eject fire from your finger tip, or form an invisible knife to cut metal. You can even drive some specially designed swords by mind. With the training of soul, your mind can be much stronger, which allows you to manipulate those swords even faster than bullets.

Training of soul is totally different. Daoism belives that our imagination is actually a reflection of a real world created by ourself, just like what we belives that this world is created by God, or God’s imagination. That world is called Sea of Mind, which is located inside our forehead. The only problem here is that our regular human being does not have a sizable Sea of Mind. It is so tiny just like a point. Only when enough energy is deposited in Farmland of Dan, can we impact that tiny point using that energy and break ground. After the Sea of Mind is breaking ground, power from Farmland of Fan will pour into and expand it. At that point, your soul is not abstract anymore. It gathers itself inside the Sea of Mind in the form of Gas. Yes, you also have much more brain power so that you can learn things much faster and you can continuously study mathematics or physics for a very long time without feeling tired. Furthermore, if you receive proper taining, you may even send out your sense outside your brain in the energy form. It works like remote detectors. Using that, you can see things far far away, in hundred meters, miles, hundrend miles, or thousans miles. Imagine that you can see and hear something in Canada!

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